Progressive Academy has partnered with EF Tours to offer a Canadian Heritage trip leaving on March 23 2017.
This nine day trip stops in Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Niagara Falls where participants will have the opportunity to learn much about Canada’s history and culture through a very intensive program. This family friendly trip is open to students who will be 6 years of age and older, from any school in the Edmonton area. Students between 6 and 10 years of age must be accompanied by at least one parent/grandparent. Students who are 11 years and older who have demonstrated independence, responsibility and flexibility are welcome to register as individuals. They will be required to room with classmates and will be supervised by chaperones – one chaperone for each six independent students, and by specially screened security personnel in hotels.
If you are interested, please take a look at the presentation. If you have questions, please contact David at 780-455-8344. Registration is now open and a discounted price applies to those who register prior to the end of May. Registration will be open until approximately the end of November 2016.
Please note that the rates quoted in the presentation assume that students will be staying either three or four to a room. Should a parent and a student be rooming together, two to a room, the price is approximately $200 higher. A variety of payment plans are available. Families can call the EF customer service number indicated in the presentation for details.